Archive | April 1st, 2010

Whitepaper: Social media marketing strategy

Note: Social Media Citizens collaborate with different blogs in Europe. The bloggers we collaborate with are also the co-founders and admins behind the Social Marketing Forum. This post is written by John from

This blog has been bringing news, tips and interviews regarding social media marketing, email marketing and the integration of both for three months now.

This weekend, after having a chat with some friends (thank you Tamara), I decided to focus more on hands-on advice.So I created a 14-page guide on how to develop a social media marketing strategy. It also contains an action sheet about social media marketing. In this first guide (so I hope there will be more) I look at some of the main strategic social media marketing considerations and provide you a list of questions to ask yourself before implementing a social media strategy or to improve your existing strategy.

I cover topics such as key success factors, creating value and relationships, the role of social media, the importance of listening, letting go of your brand, social media hubs and what I call ‘conversation rooms’. The guide also sums up some strategic considerations regarding social media marketing.

I hope it helps many of you to look at social media marketing from a no-nonsense perspective and hope to provide follow-up guides that elaborate further on some topics. Now, what do you have to do to get this paper? Simple: I offer it as a gift to all the people that have signed up and hopefully will sign up to my newsletter. And I promise the newsletter will contain valuable tips too!

If you want to see a preview of the newsletter, click here and for more whitepapers, check out this little library.

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