Interview with Community Manager: Ida Vega Santana from Sony Iberia


idavegacommunitymanagerIda Vega Santana is a community manager at Sony Iberia. For the last 5 years she have been exploring online communication world and developing her community management skills at companies like Heineken, BBDO and the likes. She also blogs at her own blog You can follow Ida on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter.

G: How did you build your experience as a community manager?

I: I think it’s essential to have previous experience in marketing and communication departments. Behind the communities to maintain and invigorate them, never forget that we must have a plan for initial communication. As I began long ago, I had to form in an altruistic, then I continued my education by attending various seminars, conferences and my own colleagues. I am a teacher in the ICEMD.

G: What are your favourite community management case studies?

I: My favourites you can be found here:


G: Where is the best place to build the community?

I: That is a matter – Youtube is a very powerful network, but no doubt Facebook is still the backbone of any campaign

G: What do you have to provide the community to make it work?

I: There is no exact, there are talks. For that reason, for a community to work, there must be continuity value. I always say that communities are like human relations, friendship for example. How do we maintain lasting relations of friendship? Being honest, adding value, focus, continuity, lovely. The secret is to be yourself and admit errors when they comment and grateful to know when we are flattered.

G: How do you attract new community members?

I: The way to attract new membera to our community is located in approaching them. It is vital that the conventional media is integrated into the Social Media. For example, one of my brands just performed an action on the street, inviting people to remain part of the brand in the network, inviting them to suggest us how to be better, yes, always linking it to the philosophy of the brand question.

G: What are the best ways to spark a discussion among your community members?

I: Knowing which are the current issues having to do with my brand and have to do with themselves.

G: What kinds of content do you share and post most often on the community platform?

I: Entertainment and curiosities.

G: How do you reward your community stars?

I: Directed personally to them. Inviting them to meet outside the network. The community is strengthened beyond.

G: Does the size of the community matter?

I: The quality and quantity of participation, interaction is what really matters.

G: What are the most common mistakes in community management?

I: The error I see daily, is that companies go through an example but continue to make communication Factbook 1.0 Are to be, but do not encourage the conversation: NO SENSE.

G: Do you have any social media crisis management experience?

I: Yes! I recommend the following post:

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- who has written 111 posts on Social Media Citizens – Interviews with social media influencers from around the world.

Giedrius Ivanauskas is the founder/editor of Social Media Citizens and co-founder of Social Marketing Forum. He also blogs on Social Media Today and Giedrius is a managing partner at Nearby Digital - location focused social media marketing agency and is passionate explorer of Augmented Reality, Startups and anatomy of Inspiration. He curates inspiration database - Inspirisimo.You can follow Giedrius on Facebook or Twitter

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