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Interview with Social Media Citizen: Jim Kukral

JimJim Kukral is a serial web-entrepreneur, professional speaker and consultant,  who at the moment spends most of his time helping entrepreneurs and small business owners learn how to find success online. For over 15-years, Jim has advised small businesses and large companies like Fedex, Sherwin Williams, Ernst & Young and is credited with building some of the first major Fortune 500 websites and blogs in America. Jim is the author of  “Attention! This Book Will Make You Money” and “The Ultimate Pitch”  and has been featured in Top online and offline print publications such as Forbes, Brandweek, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, BusinessWeek, Inc …to name just a few.You can follow Jim on Twitter, Facebook  or Linkedin.

G: How and why did you get into social media?

J: Like everyone else I saw it as a way to communicate more easily with my friends, and later on, potential customers.

G: What is it like to be a real Social Media Citizen?

J: I monitor Twitter and Facebook and Linkedin all day. It’s always there, but not a huge part of my day. I find it a distraction actually and I’ve been trying to spend less time worrying about it. When I do, I get more real work done.

G: What are your favourite social media hang out sites?

J: Twitter and Facebook. They offer the best possible situations for me to connect with potential customers.

G: How are you keeping up-to-date with social media environment ?

J:  I get most of my news through Twitter. Updates from places like my local newspaper, CNN and places like Mashable.

G: How would you define a  Social Media Citizen?

J: Somebody who realizes that social media is a part of their lives every day, for business or personal, or both.

G: What are your favourite Social Media Citizens?

J: My favourites are:

G: What are your favourite Marketing/PR tools on social media?

J: Not sure I have one.

G: What are your favourite social media campaigns?

J: going viral with Youtube videos.

G: What are your Top 3 secrets of social media marketing?

J: Social media is business, not playtime. Separate your fun from business and use it as a tool for your business. Or don’t, everyone can choose, but that’s how I use it primarily.

G: What do you see in the future for the social media?

J: I think it’ll all be congruently pushed into our mobile apps.

G: Describe yourself in five words?

J: Web, marketing, good guy, entrepreneur.

G: What is your favourite hobby?

J: Either Texas Holdem or Golf.

G: What don’t you like about social media?

J: All the wasting of time.

G: What is the funniest/most unexpected thing that happened due to social media?

J: I’ve connected with some big name people through SM channels. Amazing how open people are to accepting message/intros via SM.

G: How did social media change your life?

J: I’m more connected with potential customers and I get more of the news I want pushed to me.


A big Thank You to Jim for his great insights!! You can find the rest of the interviews with Top Social Media Citizens at SMC List or Social Media interviews category.

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- who has written 111 posts on Social Media Citizens – Interviews with social media influencers from around the world.

Giedrius Ivanauskas is the founder/editor of Social Media Citizens and co-founder of Social Marketing Forum. He also blogs on Social Media Today and Giedrius is a managing partner at Nearby Digital - location focused social media marketing agency and is passionate explorer of Augmented Reality, Startups and anatomy of Inspiration. He curates inspiration database - Inspirisimo.You can follow Giedrius on Facebook or Twitter

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