When going through numerous articles on social media strategies it dawned on me that there was a glaring omission: tactics on how to promote your social media profiles OUTSIDE of logging in to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
While it may sound odd, cross marketing is an essential part of a successful social media marketing strategy (as well as a successful marketing strategy). It is completely understandable that when you launch a social media campaign, you really want to spend a bulk of your time logged into the site trying to achieve penetration and engagement. For example, when marketing your business’s Facebook Page, you are logging in on a daily basis to update your page, share it and use different onsite tools to engage with your target consumers.
But what about the people that you speak to everyday on the phone or at events? How about those who you give your business card to? How about the people on the receiving end of the 100+ emails that you have to respond to daily?
This is where you need to focus on what I call Off-Site Social Media Promotion. The best part? It isn’t that tough (which is always a good thing, right?).
Here are my top ten tactics that you can instantly use to promote your professional social media presences…off-site:
1. Add to Your Email Signature: When it comes to promoting your social media presences off-site, email is your first stop. In your email signature, add a link to one or all of your social hubs. Just be careful not to overdo it! If you are a member of 100 different networks, don’t add them all. My rule is to try to keep it to around 3 or less.
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