Tag Archive | "social commerce agency"

Announcement: Social Media Citizens joined forces with Nearby Digital

NearbyDigital (2)I just wanted to make a quick announcement. As you probably noticed there is a new logo on site "Supported by Nearby Digital" well the reason is that I (Giedrius Ivanauskas) joined forces with my dear friend Thomas Kulbokas founder of Nearby Digital. We are going to work as partners and will offer some  new, interesting and innovative solutions for businesses in social commerce, location based and social media marketing fields.

It’s not really going to effect the content of this blog as we will keep the focus on PEOPLE in social media and will try to analyse the behaviour of top minds in social media industry. Although you might notice a greater concentration on topics related to social media application in location based services and social commerce as we believe that these innovations combined with development of mobile technologies will present most interesting opportunities for the businesses in the future. Therefore, stay tuned as there are quite a few interesting interviews coming up with some of the top social media people in the industry.

Thank you very much for reading and supporting us. Wish us luck!:)

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